Soft Cover, No Binding, 168 Pages, 2024
A Faggot is a Unit
A Faggot is a Unit by Berlin-based artist, filmmaker, and writer Padraig Robinson, brings together two original screenplays for yet-realized video works by Robinson along with a collection of research material presented as a retrograde calendar. The screenplays, / Imagine Prompt: Catfish Monogamy and The Jealousy of Sagittarius A*, both deal with
contemporary life and creative labor as they intersect with digital culture and current anxieties regarding AI. In addition, the screenplays are followed by A Faggot is a Unit (Homage to Hanne Darboven), a collection of archival photographs, scanned objects and ephemera, as well as stock imagery and graphics from the internet collected by Robinson over the course of seven years (2015–2021). The imagery further splits the disorienting narratives presented in the two screenplays to offer a kaleidoscopic and unpredictable way of reading stories while functioning simultaneously as visual companion and counterpoint to the scripts. In Padraig Robinson’s work, the fleeting emotional and visual potential of film combines and juxtaposes different histories, temporalities and social themes in unexpected, complex, yet legible ways.