Article Number: 6481
Magazine, German, 2014, A/Topic
Magazine, German, 2014, A/Topic
Yvonne Bialek, Nina Kruse, Anna Maria Müller
a/topic N°2: ANIMA MINIMA
€ 15.00
The second issue of a/topic features works by Arno Auer, Imke Bullerkist, Harm Coordes and Caspar Sessler, Tim Klausing, Erin O’Keefe and Reinecke & Wimmer and a text by Jeanne Dreskin.
The joint point of departure is Jean-François Lyotards essay "Anima Minima".
a/topic is a space for artistic perspectives in a magazine format. One joint theme or text is used for each magazine issue. Artists, designers, and writers are invited to contribute pictures and text.
The Greek word atopía means the ineffability of things or emotions that are seldom experienced, that are outstanding and original in a strict sense. a/topic is published by Yvonne Bialek, Nina Kruse and Anna Maria Müller biannually in the edition of 200.
Deutsch / Englisch