Soft Cover, English, Thread Stitching, 60 Pages, 2015
#ACCELERATE MANIFESTO for an Accelerationist Politics
availability unknown, if interested please write an email
If Newton lived in these dark days he would probably reformulate his laws following the formula of accelerationism.
By nature manifestos are linked to time, build upon a time. For Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek time is a raw material that can only be released from its obligations and contracts by means of acceleration.
If any system has been associated with ideas of acceleration it is capitalism. The essential metabolism of capitalism demands economic growth, with competition between individual capitalist entities setting in motion increasing technological developments in an attempt to achieve competitive advantage, all accompanied by increasing social dislocation. In its neoliberal form, its ideological self-presentation is one of liberating the forces of creative destruction, setting free ever-accelerating technological and social innovations.
Language: English