Hard Cover, English, Thread Stitching, 143 Pages, 2006,
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This publication is the result of the close collaboration between individuals and institutions from several European countries, with different historical, political as well as professional backgrounds but with common interests in the critical debate about the modernist heritage and its interpretation in the post-modern times, in different social and political systems.
On the consequences of modernism and the culture of critique, criticism and citicality in Europe - exemplarily ecamined in three selected cities.
The title "dagegen - dabei" [againstwithin], was used in 1994/95 by Ulrich Dörrie and Bettina Sefkow for a series of exhibitions entitled "Produktion und Strategie in Kunstprojekten seit 1969" [Production and Strategy in Art Projects since 1969] and later taken over for the extended publication (with Hans-Christian Dany as co-editor). For the book published in 1998, the subheading "Texte, Gespräche und Dokumente zur Selbstorganisation seit 1969" [Texts, Conversations and Documents on Self-organisation since 1969] was added.