Soft Cover, German, Thread Stitching, 136 Pages, 2015, Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Annatina Graf - Traversata
The book on the Annatina Graf’s first solo museum show in Kunstmuseum Solothurn unites painting, works on paper and video art.
In her paintings, drawings and video art Annatina Graf (born 1965) merges banal observations of everyday life with existential reflections about image and recollection the instantaneous and transitory, but always places the focus on people. Often the artist incorporates into her work photos depicting her own family life, but thanks to the formal openness of her works the emphasis is always on general issues rather than the private. One aspect that contributes to this air of detachment is her use of an unusual palette based on an electronic filter program. The manual glazing technique on silver surfaces lends the works a special sensuality. The alternation of fading away and becoming denser that is produced in the shiny surfaces as observers walk past, is also manifested albeit in a different way in her pencil drawings. The motifs disappear on the coarse-grained papers.
Language: English / German