DVD, English, 2010, Vice Versa Vertrieb
Children of the New Age
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In a revealing documentary, Martinsen portrays the New Age believers. They are convinced that their children are spiritual “superhumans” which are sent to the Earth from the cosmos to take over the world as spiritual leaders after 2012.
(Danish/English subtitles)
The catalogue is a project examining the concept of New Age spiritualism and the so-called “Indigo Children” and “Crystal Children”.
In a revealing documentary, Martinsen portrays the New Age believers. They are convinced that their children are spiritual “superhumans” which are sent to the Earth from the cosmos to take over the world as spiritual leaders after 2012.
The film follows the boy Kristoffer and his mother Chalotte. Her belief that Kristoffer is an Indigo Child and therefore needs special treatment, results in severe social problems for the boy and conflicts with his school and the social authorities.
The film reveals a hitherto unknown, sinster side to New Age, which involves extreme beliefs in eugenic hierarchies and apocalyptic fantasies, and has severe consequences for the children that are brought up in this faith.
The 32 drawings form an artistic document over the special New Age “aesthetic” of soft colours, symbols, hierarchies, symmetry etc. The motives are chosen to illustrate many important issues in the New Age belief, and all are accompanied by a text that explains each image, relating it to New Age’s myriad theories and superstitions.
(Quelle: Vice Versa Vertrieb)