Article Number: 3936
Hard Cover, German, Glue Binding, 2010, Sternberg Press
Shahryar Nashat

Downscaled and Overthrown

Downscaled and Overthrown is the first monograph on the work of the Swiss artist Shahryar Nashat (*1975). Whether he truncates Renaissance bronze sculptures through photography, or redesigns a section of the Louvre (...) Nashat’s works and exhibitions involve his interest in art collections, art libraries, reproduction of works of art (...). (Quelle: Verlag).

Lighting, plinths, pedestals, and the mode of projecting and positioning all play pivotal roles in Nashat’s video installations, sculpture, etchings, and photographs. Wherever he draws his source or reference material from, he consistently makes a certain artificiality or constructedness obvious in order to generate the possibility of critical reflection about the medium itself. The monograph appears on the occasion of Shahryar Nashat’s first solo exhibition in Germany at the Kunstverein Nürnberg – Albrecht Dürer Gesellschaft.