Article Number: 233
Hard Cover, German, Staple Binding, 96 Pages, 2009
Participants: Adele, Anne, Annette, Antonia, Carolyn, Chris, Dani, Feli, Florian, Harry, Jan, Jannetje, Julien, Irene, Lucy, Merijn, Mory + friends, Paula + friends, Rebecca, Rafe, Sander, Sandra, Sarakaka, Stefan, Stephi, Tim, Toon, Ulrike, m

Drawing-Workshop Zzine

availability unknown, if interested please write an email

The Zzine Making Sessions consisted of 3 workshops ran by the Drawing Work-
shop, in the summer of 2008.

Zzine Making Sessions (Pt. 1-3)

Participants developed individual pages containing visual and written content, which
were compiled in a central pool. Participants then selected pages, which they would
contribute to, visually, with text or both. When participants felt that a page was to-
wards completion, it was discussed with other members of the group before being
ready (and hung on the washing line).
The workshops took place at the Raumerweiterungshalle, Berlin (21st June & 26th
July 2008) and Wijkcentrum, Rotterdam (2nd July 2008).