Entre deux
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Lieven De Boeck (researcher Fine Art 2002–2003) and John Murphy (advising researcher Fine Art) put together a publication on the history of the Bonnefantenmuseum in the period when it was housed in the Entre Deux building in the centre of Maastricht.
The research focuses specifically on traces (of the aura) of the artwork in an exhibition space. Traces of, for example, exhibitions of Daniel Buren and Imi Knoebel are still visible in the Entre Deux building.
In the booklet photographs from exhibitions, an inventory of all exhibitions organised in the Entre Deux are alternated with quotes from Alexander van Grevenstein (director Bonnefantenmuseum) and Aldo Rossi (architect new Bonnefantenmuseum), and maps of both the old and new museum building.
The publication was realised in the framework of the project
. From April to December 2003 the former Bonnefantenmuseum Entre Deux was available to researchers of the Jan van Eyck as a free space.