Soft Cover, English, Staple Binding, 35 Pages, 2013
Female Soul at Work
This fanzine is an appendix to the seminar Female Soul at Work hosted by Mirjam Thomann* at the Academy of FIne Arts in Vienna in the winter semester of 2012/13.
The contributions to this publication have been made by participants in this seminar in response to essays, films and artistic works we discussed, celebrated and questioned. Thus the publication shows individual samples of our working process, which have been influenced by the debates led during our meetings on (feminized) labour and the question what kind of work we as female artists provide. Although we do not consider ourselves a group with a jointly defined feministic or artistic approach, we want to present our diverse perspectives collectively, in order to encourage further critical discussions amongst us and others––on a subject which clearly affects us.
Quelle: Ahu Dural, Eva Hettmer, Memo Glitzer Trixi, Mirjam Thomann