Florian Hecker / John McCracken
Following the 2015 exhibition “Florian Hecker/John McCracken” at Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien Graz, this publication probes the experimental capacity of the white-cube space of the gallery. For the exhibition, two complementary yet autonomous artists were brought into dialogue with each other: German artist and computer composer Florian Hecker, and the late American sculptor John McCracken.
The fiberglass-coated, monochrome “planks” by McCracken spanned the floor and the walls of the building, evoking a juncture between painting and sculpture, while Hecker’s computer-generated sound pieces dramatized both space and time. By combining the work of the two artists, a framework was created in which an aesthetic experience occurred between the shifting boundaries and intersections of sculpture and sound as they affected each other within a space consisting of geometric and architectural formations as well as temporal and subjective formations. At the same time, the viewer/listener became more sensitized to the conditions, qualities, and degrees of intensity between the physical and the ephemeral.
Language: German/English