Soft Cover, English, Thread Stitching, 149 Pages, 2009
Furniture Music
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The book "Furniture Music" is an instrument for research. The included essays and interviews investigate the sphere of cultural production in domestic space throughout a series of subjects: the relationship between art and domesticity, the modalities of contemporary inhabitation, the cultural and political status of furniture and design.
Furniture Music aims to be the setting for an open and transdisclipinary discussion; a place for reflection and exchange; a forum in which to present some perspectives on the analysis of domestic space, and of devices and practices connected to it.
The project takes its queues from the concept of ‘musique d’ameublement’ (‘furniture music’), first introduced by Erik Satie in 1917. A recurring theme within the book is the hypothesis of a historical constellation between the sociocultural situation in which Satie conceived a music, self-defined as 'furnishing', and the present condition of contemporary art and culture. Furthermore, the social value of furniture and the possibility of a cultural form specific to the domestic space are investigated. Finally, the book reflects on the condition of the artwork in the living spaces. The book features interviews with Stefano Boeri, Francesca Cappelletti, Giulio Cappellini, Gillo Dorfles, Martino Gamper, Joa Herrenknecht, Jan Hoet, Eva Marisaldi, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Raqs Media Collective, Felix Vogel and essays by Nicola Bernardini, Solène Bertrand, Massimo De Nardo, Cornelia Lauf, Sam Thorne, Daniela Zangrando. Language: English