Soft Cover, English, Staple Binding, 48 Pages, 2007
Journal of Radical Shimming: Issue 1 / Volume 1
Topic: Place, Time, and Revolutionary Action
The Journal of Radical Shimming is, apart from a means of documenting "radical" histories, a tool in print-form in which to instigate discussion on how we encounter and define these histories; accepted, or otherwise. As well, the JRS is a forum in which to propose simple tools to instigate possible future histories in the making.The JRS covets immediacy, relegating dominant modes of production - such as "spell-checking," and "editing" - into the dustbins of history. The idea is to think and produce simultaneous. Transparency is key, along with an openness towards the discussion of ideas, and the reformatting of previous considerations in public. The JRS exists as friendly provocation in paper-form. The Journal of Radical Shimming was founded in Portland, Oregon at the House to be Named in the Future. Its current home is in Minnesota within the South Minneapolis Department of Transparent Strategies.
Language: English