Article Number: 7585
Soft Cover, English, Thread Stitching, 56 Pages, 2015, Thomas Geiger- Mark Pezinger Verlag
Martín La Roche Contreras


€ 27.50

Karesansui are japanese dry gardens that are made up of a few essential elements: rocks, gravel and moss. This gardens are organized as iteneraries through different scenes and are usually meant to be seen while seated from a viewpoint outside the garden.

Depending on the point of view a Karesansui is never the same and we can never see or know all of it, no matter how hard we look. In his publication Karesansui, Chilean artist Martin La Roche Contreras tells us about a personal itinerary, which brings together various places and people he met coincidentally and shaped his ideas about Japanese gardens. Short fragments written in various languages (German, English, Spanish, Dutch and Japanese) are telling this story and determine the comprehension of the reader depending on his language skills. Thus, the text behaves like a Karesansui and never reveals its wholeness to the reader. Language: English, German, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese