Soft Cover, Czech, Staple Binding, 96 Pages, 2008
Komfort Mag 01
availability unknown, if interested please write an email
"... to vsechno hovori pro to, abych se holil do hladka, asi zvolim planzetovy strojek, sice je pry o malinko hlucnesjsi, nez rotacni frezka, ale zase nevim, jak bych si mezi pulky nacpal ten objemny valec od philipsu... chci si totiz holit vsechno ;-)"
daymon, 02.12.2004, 16:26
"Komfort Mag is a non-commercial project. Completely DIY and Do It Together. This we see as a significant factor - it means we are not subordinate to any erratic publisher or advertiser. The purpose of Komfort Mag is to reverse the traditional idea of a magazine, as something which relies mainly on text. That’s why Komfort is 70% pictures, illustrations or photography. Words are not enough to describe it."
(the editors)