Article Number: 2793
Soft Cover, Czech, Staple Binding, 96 Pages, 2008
Olga Benešová, Radek Sidun, Pavel Turek

Komfort Mag 01

K Holici / To Barber's

availability unknown, if interested please write an email

"... to vsechno hovori pro to, abych se holil do hladka, asi zvolim planzetovy strojek, sice je pry o malinko hlucnesjsi, nez rotacni frezka, ale zase nevim, jak bych si mezi pulky nacpal ten objemny valec od philipsu... chci si totiz holit vsechno ;-)"

daymon, 02.12.2004, 16:26

"Komfort Mag is a non-commercial project. Completely DIY and Do It Together. This we see as a significant factor - it means we are not subordinate to any erratic publisher or advertiser. The purpose of Komfort Mag is to reverse the traditional idea of a magazine, as something which relies mainly on text. That’s why Komfort is 70% pictures, illustrations or photography. Words are not enough to describe it."

(the editors)
