Muslim Matter
This book brings together photographs, objects, and essays as a way to present the overlooked and sometimes under-represented aspects of everyday life across various Muslim communities and societies. In doing so, it recognises and reflects upon the importance of material and visual cultures.
Our selection comprises of material gathered at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies: photographs that researchers have recorded during fieldwork, objects and artefacts that they have brought back from the field and accompanying essays that feature multi-disciplinary perspectives on the subject.
Muslim Matter underscores the complexity and heterogeneity of Muslim lifeworlds: places where prayer goes hand in hand with ideas of amusement and simple pleasures offset the harshness of conflict-ridden environments; also communities which are in conversation with non-Muslim majorities; and occasions where the human-ness of the subject takes precedence over its Muslim-ness. Muslim Matter ist eine Publikation der Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (Freie Universität Berlin). Die Fotos, Gegenstände und Essays in diesem aufwändig gestalteten Bildband führen ein in den Alltag von Muslimen in einer Vielzahl von gesellschaftlichen Kontexten. Muslim Matter beleuchtet die häufig unterrepräsentierten Aspekte und die Vielfalt muslimischer Lebensweisen in Asien, Afrika und Europa. Zugleich lädt das Buch ein zu einer kritischen Reflexion über die Darstellung und Wahrnehmung von Muslimen in unserer eigenen Gesellschaft. Sprache: Englisch