Park Lingezegen Summer School
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Lingezegen is a large park between Nijmegen and Arnhem with several functions: housing, agriculture and recreation. In Summer School Lingezegen students from different disciplines addressed the identity of the park in construction, their assignment was to stretch its social and natural boundaries.
The publication reports on the three editions (2008-2010) of the summer school and gives inspiration to residents, policy makers, spatial designers and recreationists. It also serves as a guide for those who wish to to tackle comparable issues in similar areas.
Designer/artist Ton Matton and architect/researcher Harmen van de Wal developed the Lingezegen Summer School educational programme, in which improvisation came to play a major role. Inspired by workshops and discourses by guest lecturers in philosophy, art history, biology and geography, the students developed plans that related to both the layout of the park and the interaction between different groups of people who together use the park. In cooperation with local entrepreneurs and artisans, students worked on issues concerning production and supply of energy, water and food. From blue-coloured trails, to energy producing playgrounds, new forms of lighting, picnics for new residents, logos for bike paths, vending machines with real fruit - a selection of twelve projects shows the useful ideas the summer school has yielded.
Summer School Lingezegen was initiated by Ton Matton (MattonOffice) and Harmen van de Wal (krill) in the context of the art program of SKOR | Foundation for Art and Public Doamin and was achieved in collaboration with ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences and Lingezegen Park